lördag 9 maj 2009

Day 123-128

(Click on the images for a larger view)

Day 123:
My boys :)) I love them so much!! I think this is such a sweet photo of them. I especially like Williams profile in this photo.

Day 124: This is a bridge in my town, Gothenburg. I'm on my way to work.

Day 125: Uppsala cathedral, this is one of Swedens oldest church. I spent two days in Uppsala attending a conferance about consumer rights.

Day 126: This is the conference center in Uppsala. It was a very modern building with lots of windows ;) The view was quit stunning.

Day 127: My hotell room at Scandic Hotel in Stockholm. It was small, dark room without any windows. Nothing for the claustrofobic...I attended a seminar about "householding with the resources of nature". It was very interesting!

Day 128: Grand central station in Stockholm. Wow! I'm on my way home again, finally :)) I spent 4 days on 6 differrent trains this week...

5 kommentarer:

  1. wonderful and very interesting shots! Love the one with your boys most - it´s so ful of love and closeness.

    The bridge is also fantastic - I thought it were a bridge in America

    wish you a wonderful weekend

  2. Love all the photos, the one with the glass is stunning! Your hotel with no windows didn't sound to great though.

  3. Great photos, I love the name of the town you visited "uppsala", thats what the Germans say if the trip up or so!
    CU soon

  4. forgot to say, I have something for you on my blog!

  5. Wow!! Nice pictures of Sweden!!
    Once I have been in Uppsala but I don't remember there is such a beautiful church!!
    Great shot of your boys!
