lördag 14 februari 2009

Day 45

(Click on the image)
Today we had the most beautiful sun outside.
You could smell the spring in the air :)
Here is William, my oldest son.

5 kommentarer:

  1. such a beautiful photo of your son. send some spring smell to germany please :)

  2. Her oppe i Midt-Norge vil vinteren ingen ende ta, men det ser ut som det er full vår hos dere :)
    Utrolig flott lys i bildet ditt, jeg liker det utrolig godt!

  3. This is gorgeous - love the back lighting! He is so handsome....

  4. this is absolutely adorabel picture from your son.

    i will have Spring too! Here is so cold in germany!

  5. Fint! Du har du kollat din ålder på profil eller vad det heter???? Du är 939 år gammal där...*fniss*
