This is my blog for project 365. I'm posting a photo a day all year long.
What a sweet boy! He has such beautiful eyes.Initially, when I first glanced at your pictures, I thought the white frosting was flowers. These cakes look so delicious--too pretty to eat. Nice pictures.
I shouldn't have looked. Now I want cake!
Vad gullig han är, och vilka blå ögon!Kakorna såg först ut som en bukett med vita nejlikor. :) Sen såg jag att det var grädde. Ser mumsigt ut!
I'm trying so hard not to snack between meals, and then these delicious looking cakes, makes my mouth water! :)CU tomorrowHugsKerri
Vilken liten godingoch vilka kakor!!
OMG - I wanna have one of them
What a sweet boy! He has such beautiful eyes.
SvaraRaderaInitially, when I first glanced at your pictures, I thought the white frosting was flowers. These cakes look so delicious--too pretty to eat. Nice pictures.
I shouldn't have looked. Now I want cake!
SvaraRaderaVad gullig han är, och vilka blå ögon!
SvaraRaderaKakorna såg först ut som en bukett med vita nejlikor. :) Sen såg jag att det var grädde. Ser mumsigt ut!
I'm trying so hard not to snack between meals, and then these delicious looking cakes, makes my mouth water! :)
SvaraRaderaCU tomorrow
Vilken liten goding
SvaraRaderaoch vilka kakor!!
OMG - I wanna have one of them