onsdag 2 september 2009

Day 240 -245

(Click on the images)

Day 240: Samuel is laying under the table in the living room and the only thing I saw was his feet beneath the table :)
Day 241: William arrived at soccer-camp, eating a small snack in the car.
Day 242: The boys at camp before practice. This is how they travelled to the soccer-field :))
Day 243: My DS Samuel
Day 244: My DD Cassandra and DS William
Day 245: These tomatoes are growing in my backyard.

5 kommentarer:

  1. beautiful shot of your tomatoes arrangement - and great shot of Samuels red hair

  2. Your children have beautiful eyes! I loved the traveling method too!

  3. Flotte bilder. Likte spesielt godt nr to, blikkene deres er så fylt med attitude :)

  4. great photos. love the one of the boys
